The kopps is climate neutral
Climate neutrality
Kopps Berlin is one of the first upscale restaurants in Europe to be certified climate neutral
Climate protection naturally plays a central role in the sustainability strategy at Kopps Berlin. We have embarked on the path to climate neutrality and recently became one of the first fine dining restaurants in Europe to be certified climate neutral.
This step was only logical for us, as we have been trying to work more and more sustainably for years. For example, we only use biogas and purchase certified green electricity for our restaurant. Due to our well-insulated windows, we hardly have to heat even in sub-zero temperatures. We keep our delivery routes short and try to buy as regionally and seasonally as possible for our vegan menus and drinks.

The kopps is sustainable
As a vegan restaurant, we are already making a big contribution to a world with fewer emissions and less environmental impact by not using animal products.
However, that alone is not enough for us. Much more, we want to bring our idea of a sustainable vegan restaurant to the world and show that our guests do not have to sacrifice quality or comfort. Our goal is to be a role model for a sustainable corporate culture.
What do we do concretely?
At kopps Berlin, we prefer to source our products from regional, small suppliers and prefer to support family businesses. This applies both in the kitchen and at the bar, as well as in the wine cellar.
We try to use all our processed raw materials and products from root to leaf, thus avoiding waste. We have almost completely banned plastic packaging from our restaurant and we relied on unpackaged food.
90% of our wines come from Germany, the remaining 10% are special wines from Europe. In addition, we know many winegrowers personally and are in exchange with them about the cultivation methods and production processes.
Learn more about our wine list here:
Just as in the kitchen, we use in the kopps Berlin also at the bar mainly products from the region Berlin / Brandenburg. That’s why we prefer to work with sustainably produced gin or whiskey from the Spreewald, for example, and also make many of the components of the drinks ourselves.
If a product cannot be sourced regionally because of its high quality, it must at least be Fairtrade at Kopps. Both the spirits and the coffee with us is Fairtrade. Even behind the scenes, we attach importance to sustainability. We only use cleaning products with an eco-label. Of course, the electricity and also the gas in the kitchen and for the heating system are of ecological origin. Due to our good insulation we hardly have to heat the guest room in winter.
What is our goal in terms of sustainability?
We recently received certification for climate neutrality. We are proud of this award, as we were one of the first restaurants in Germany to receive it. Of course, it is always possible to be a bit more sustainable. We are therefore constantly scrutinizing our actions to identify areas where there is still room for improvement in terms of sustainability and climate neutrality.